Love at First Bite

They say the first mile is always the hardest.  The effort exerted into dragging yourself outside to run when you could easily fall back upon the lazy, idle state that is oh so comforting.  The first bite, however, is a much easier task.  Whether it is out of hunger or mere excitement, the first bite comes naturally.  I find myself eager to taste new dishes, yet also resistant to steer away from favorites.  Fascinating how two of my favorite past times (yes, eating is one of them) have completely separate motivating factors.  I'm not quite sure whether I run so I can eat or if I eat so I can run.  In a roundabout way, my workouts motivate my consumption as much as my consumption motivates my workouts.

It is for this relationship that I have decided to start this blog.  Although I have to admit, like the first mile, the first blog post is seemingly the hardest.  But I'm confident that it will get easier.  It's quite simple: write fairly regularly about my two favorite things, food and exercise. I hope out of my blog you will find at least one of three things:
    (1) Motivation to start running or to continue if you have already become addicted (like myself)
    (2) Inspiration to try new restaurants in the city you reside
    (3) A laugh & light read that brightens your day

I understand running isn't for everyone.  People often ask me how I find motivation to run.  In part, I love the therapeutic aspect.  Runs along the lake provide me with crucial time to think about life or escape stress.  It doesn't matter how fast or how slow you are, the benefits are universal.  I hope that reading about my adventures, whether exercise or food-based, will motivate you to venture out as well.  I've found that my favorite restaurants have come from others' recommendations.  (At least one good thing came out of that crush..HA) I hope that you will also enjoy my restaurant suggestions and find them useful.

And so the journey begins..


Oh and PS: feel free to follow/friend me on Yelp at